猪王偷走了好多蛋想要做一顿大餐! 在城堡用弹弓射出红色小鸟,把捣蛋猪打得四仰八叉,感受小鸟的愤怒! 用无敌鹰横扫千军,不过当心长着翅膀的飞行炸药箱。 赶往塔顶,在鸟蛋下锅之前将其救出。 不要让猪厨子将煮蛋写进菜单,让猪群尝尝你火爆的飞鸟炸弹!
Storm King Pig’s Castle and rescue the eggs!
King Pig has stolen the eggs and is preparing a feast! Prepare for some seriously feathery fun as you catapult Red at the castle and watch the piggies go crashing! Fly Mighty Eagle in with a swoosh, but watch out for the TNT box with wings. Race to the top of the tower and rescue the eggs before they slide into the cauldron. Stop Chef Pig putting boiled eggs on the menu, and serve up your own side order of awesome bird-slinging action!
- Includes 5 figures: Red, Mighty Eagle, King Pig, Chef Pig and Foreman Pig.
- King Pig’s Castle features an opening gate, spiral egg chute, spinning tower, collapsible mini-tower and hangar to launch the TNT box with wings.
- Accessory elements include 6 eggs, 6 balloons, cauldron, King Leonard’s crown and cape, Chef Pig’s hat, party table and decorated sign for the eating area, and a toilet.
- Target zones include Golden Crown Tower with boulder, spinning tower, collapsible tower, boulder and the hangar.
- Aim the birds at the target zones to collapse the structures.
- Knock King Pig off his balcony!
- Hit the tower’s lever to send the piggy flying.
- Aim at the boulder to make it crash to the ground.
- Find the eggs at the top of the Golden Crown Tower, and rescue them before they slide down the chute into the cauldron.
- Target zones and collapsible structures are easy to reassemble for fast-action play.
- Create fun action scenes with a twist from The Angry BirdsTM Movie.
- Thi s set offers an age-appropriate building experience for children ages 8-14.
- King Pig’s Castle wall measures over 8” (22cm) high, 11” (30cm) wide and 7” (20cm) deep.
- King Pig’s Castle tower measures over 12” (32cm) high, 3” (10cm) wide and 2” (7cm) deep.
- TNT box with wings measures over 1” (3cm) high, 1” (5cm) long and 3” (9cm) wide.
- Catapult measures over 2” (6cm) high, 3” (9cm) long and 2” (6cm) wide.
愤怒的小鸟:国王猪城堡(King Pig's Castle)属于愤怒的小鸟系列积木套组,整个套组包含 859 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 75826 首发于2016年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。