帮助艾莎和雪宝在外面的庭院为安娜的派对做准备,但注意不要让迷你雪人接近糖 果!现在是时候叫醒安娜,去寻找藏在城堡里的生日礼物了。她会得到什么样的礼 物?在安娜卧室的梳妆台梳洗打扮。在有大座钟的房间里寻找礼物。然后从屋顶滑 到院子里,享受蛋糕和生日庆典!
Celebrate Anna’s birthday at Arendelle Castle!
Help Elsa and Olaf prepare the courtyard outside for Anna’s party, but keep the Snowgies away from all the sweets! It’s time to wake Anna up and search for her birthday presents hidden in the castle. What kind of presents will she get? Get ready at the vanity in Anna’s bedroom. Search for gifts in the living room with its grandfather clock. Then slide down the roof into the courtyard for cake and birthday celebrations!
- Includes Elsa and Anna mini-doll figures with outfits from Frozen Fever, plus Olaf the snowman and 3 mini snowmen.
- Arendelle Castle features a living room with fireplace, sofa and a grandfather clock; Anna’s bedroom with vanity and fireplace; and Elsa’s ice room with a lock on the door and slide from the roof.
- Courtyard party scene from Frozen Fever includes a 2-tiered birthday cake, a table with 2 seats and 2 balloon stands.
- Help Elsa throw Anna a birthday party to remember.
- Explore Arendelle Castle and play out scenes from Disney’s Frozen and Frozen Fever.
- Create new adventures with your favorite Frozen characters.
- Accessory elements include cupcakes, glasses, ice skates, presents, cup and a party invitation.
- Arendelle Castle measures over 10” (27cm) high, 8” (22cm) wide and 5” (13cm) deep.
冰雪奇缘:艾伦戴尔城堡庆典(Arendelle Castle Celebration)属于冰雪奇缘系列积木套组,整个套组包含 477 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41068 首发于2016年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、加致/盛源S牌SY、双象SX、杰高JIEGO等国产积木品牌所复刻。