拼搭和玩乐这款乐高®迪士尼冰雪奇缘 2 41164 魔法树屋套装,丰富多彩的森林大冒险正在等待着迪士尼《冰雪奇缘》的粉丝们。这款可拼搭的魔法树屋游戏套装拥有树下卧室和楼上用餐区。还设有可爬上瞭望塔的梯子和可飞速滑到下方森林地面的超酷滑索,孩子们会喜欢上在森林里照顾兔舍中的 2 只兔子。此外,还包括一块露营区和一块带有飞鱼功能的钓鱼区,非常适于同来自《冰雪奇缘 2》的安娜、雪宝和马蒂亚斯一起进行有趣的大冒险。踏上精彩神奇的旅程,探索森林,发现神秘的石头。包含 3 个来自《冰雪奇缘 2》的深受人们喜爱的迪士尼角色,以及 3 个乐高动物公仔。
- 包括安娜和马蒂亚斯迷你玩偶人仔,以及 4 个乐高®公仔:雪宝、2 只兔子和一条鱼。
- 本套装包含一个树屋,设有楼下卧室、楼上用餐区、瞭望塔、滑索、兔舍、露营区、捕鱼区,以及一扇魔法之门。
- 配件包括马蒂亚斯的宝剑、宝箱、望远镜、钓鱼竿、水桶、鱼、眼镜、盘子、剪刀、胡萝卜和苹果。
- 迪士尼《冰雪奇缘》的粉丝们会喜欢上拼搭乐高®树屋,探索魔法森林,找到神秘的石头。
- 这款迪士尼玩具拼搭套装非常适合与来自《冰雪奇缘 2》的雪宝、安娜和马蒂亚斯一起重现令人难忘的场景,或者与您喜爱的迪士尼角色进行精彩刺激的森林大冒险。
- 这款可拼搭的冰雪奇缘玩具男孩女孩皆宜,还适于电影《冰雪奇缘 2》的所有粉丝,可作为一件理想的圣诞或生日礼物。
- 可与所有其它原有的乐高积木组合,进行创意拼搭。
- 可与 41165 安娜独木舟探险、41166 艾莎马车大冒险、41167 阿伦黛尔城堡村庄、41168 艾莎的创意珠宝盒和 41169 雪宝组合,进行更多精彩的乐高®迪士尼冰雪奇缘 2 大冒险。
- 树屋尺寸:高 20 厘米(7 英寸)、宽 25 厘米(9 英寸)和深 20 厘米(7英寸)。
There are so many forest adventures for Disney Frozen fans to build and play out in the LEGO® l Disney Frozen II 41164 Enchanted Treehouse set. This buildable magic treehouse playset features a bedroom area in the base of the tree and a dining area on the floor above. There's a ladder up to the lookout and an awesome zip line to whizz down to the enchanted forest floor, where kids will love to look after the 2 bunnies in their little house. A camping area and a fishing area with flying fish function are perfect for creating fun adventures with Anna, Olaf and Mattias from Frozen II. Explore the forest and discover the mythical stones on an epic and magical journey. Includes 3 favorite Disney characters from Frozen II and 3 LEGO animal figures.
- Includes Anna and Mattias mini-doll figures, plus 4 LEGO® figures: Olaf, 2 bunnies and a fish.
- Features a treehouse with downstairs bedroom, upstairs dining area, lookout tower, zip wire, bunny house, camping area and a fishing area, plus a magic portal.
- Accessory elements include Mattias's sword, treasure chest, telescope, fishing rod, bucket, fish, glasses, plates, scissors, carrot and an apple.
- Disney Frozen fans will love to build a LEGO® treehouse and explore the enchanted forest to find the mythical stones.
- The perfect Disney toy building kit for reenacting memorable scenes with Olaf, Anna and Mattias from Frozen II, or creating new role-play forest adventures with favorite Disney characters.
- This buildable Frozen toy for boys and girls and for all fans of the Frozen II movie makes an ideal Christmas gift or birthday gift.
- Can be built together with all other original LEGO® bricks for creative building.
- Combine with 41165 Anna's Canoe Expedition, 41166 Elsa's Wagon Adventure, 41167 Arendelle Castle Village, 41168 Elsa’s Jewelry Box Creation and 41169 Olaf for even more LEGO® l Disney Frozen II adventures.
- Treehouse measures over 7” (20cm) high, 9” (25cm) wide and 7” (20cm) deep.
魔法树屋(Enchanted Tree House)属于冰雪奇缘系列积木套组,整个套组包含 302 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41164 首发于2019年,之后被加致/盛源S牌SY、J牌、1995、乐多LEDUO等国产积木品牌所复刻。