- 包括一个小人偶艾莎,以及雪宝,他配有一块带下雪场景的积木。
- 该套装拥有一座带防波堤的钟楼,楼上有一个双侧钟面,可设置春季/冬季;以及一个带轮子的市场货摊,还有一艘手划船,可容下两个小人偶。
- 配件包括艾莎的冰雪魔法、两只船桨、溜冰鞋、苹果、胡萝卜、樱桃、鲜花、蛋糕和一个玻璃杯。
- 通过简单地交换和重新布置内部的特征,如花圃和码头,即可令该套装更富个性化。
- 与其他匹配的乐高®迪士尼系列玩具组合、交换和混搭,打造你的梦想之作。
- 在春季游逛艾伦戴尔城堡的集市,然后转动钟面积木,把迪士尼《冰雪奇缘》中寒冷冬季送来。
- 帮助艾莎用双桨滑动小船,带着雪宝进行一次野餐大历险。
- 这款男孩女孩皆宜的玩具适于5至12岁的孩子。
- 带防波堤的钟楼尺寸:高超过5英寸(14厘米)、宽3英寸(9厘米)和深2英寸(6厘米)。
- 手划船尺寸:长超过4英寸(11厘米)、宽1英寸(4厘米)和高小于1英寸(2厘米)。
Visit Arendelle Market with Elsa and Olaf!
Join much-loved characters Elsa and Olaf on LEGO® l Disney Elsa’s Market Adventure. There’s a cart selling fruit and vegetables, a flower stall under the beautiful clock tower, and a dock with a rowing boat for picnics on the water. Turn the clock face brick to set summer or Frozen wintertime scenes with this great toy for girls and boys. Get creative using the modular design to easily move and swap sections within the model, or integrate the clock tower with other compatible LEGO l Disney toys to build your own dream creations. Includes an Elsa mini-doll figure plus Olaf with his personal snow flurry.
- Includes an Elsa minifigure plus Olaf with snow flurry brick.
- Features a clock tower with jetty and double-sided springtime/winter clock face, a market stall with wheels, and a rowing boat with space for 2 mini-doll figures.
- Accessory elements include Elsa's ice power, 2 oars, ice skates, apple, carrot, cherries, flowers, cake and a glass.
- Customize the set by easily swapping and rearranging internal features such as the flowerbeds and dock.
- Combine, swap and mix this model with other compatible LEGO® l Disney toys to build your own dream creations.
- Visit Arendelle Market in the springtime, then turn the clock face brick to give a Disney Frozen wintery feel.
- Help Elsa use the oars to take the boat on a picnic adventure with Olaf.
- This toy for girls and boys is suitable for ages 5-12.
- Clock tower with jetty measures over 5” (14cm) high, 3” (9cm) wide and 2” (6cm) deep.
- Rowing boat measures over 4” (11cm) long, 1” (4cm) wide and under 1” (2cm) high.
艾莎的集市历险(Elsa's Market Adventure)属于冰雪奇缘系列积木套组,整个套组包含 125 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 41155 首发于2018年,之后被积思JiSi、乐拼LEPIN、加致/盛源S牌SY、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA等国产积木品牌所复刻。