4 岁及以上的孩子们可以学习拼搭这款乐高® ǀ 迪士尼公主爱丽儿的音乐舞台 (43235) 拼搭玩具,精彩的表演和有趣的创意玩乐在等待着他们。这款可以拼搭的迪士尼公主玩具套装礼物旨在提高孩子们的解决问题能力,为他们进行创意玩乐带来无尽的灵感。
这款儿童拼搭玩具包含乐高 ǀ 迪士尼爱丽儿迷你玩偶和乐高 ǀ 迪士尼塞巴斯丁动物玩偶。还有一座带旋转舞池的舞台、一片设有椅子的茶点区,以及许多有趣的故事启发组件,像吉他、沙球和菠萝。入门积木组件为孩子们提供了一块坚固的底板,以便玩乐快速开始。本套装还提供丰富多彩的图画故事说明,形象且直观,专为刚开始学习阅读的孩子设计。
这款很酷的 4+ 乐高 ǀ 迪士尼拼搭套装满足了孩子对《小美人鱼》拼搭玩具的热情,易于带到玩伴聚会上,是成人与孩子分享拼搭乐趣的理想方式。
- 迪士尼少儿频道拼搭玩具——借助这款爱丽儿的音乐舞台拼搭套装,4 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以表演属于他们自己的《小美人鱼》故事,激发想象力
- 可以拼搭的玩具套装——这款拼搭套装包含一座源自迪士尼少儿频道电视节目《爱丽儿》的音乐舞台、乐高® ǀ 迪士尼爱丽儿迷你玩偶和乐高 ǀ 迪士尼塞巴斯丁动物玩偶
- 旋转舞池——音乐舞台上设有一座带麦克风和水下背景的旋转舞池,茶点区设有柜台、塞巴斯丁的椅子和菠萝
- 故事启发物——这款趣味十足的儿童拼搭玩具能够促进迪士尼粉丝发挥他们的想象力,用吉他和沙球演奏歌曲,或者创造全新的故事和冒险
- 适合 4 岁及以上孩子的礼物,可以拼搭且乐趣十足——对于 4 岁及以上希望拥有无尽玩乐机会的男孩、女孩和电视迷,这款乐高® ǀ 迪士尼拼搭套装可作为他们的有趣礼物,供他们体验讲故事的乐趣
- 乐高® ǀ 迪士尼玩乐——可将这款拼搭套装与匹配的乐高 4+ 拼搭玩具和乐高 ǀ 迪士尼拼搭套装(单独出售)组合
- 培养多项技能——这款乐高® 4+ 拼搭套装以有趣的方式将孩子们带入一个世界,这里充满们喜爱的电视节目、电影以及日常英雄
- 尺寸——这款拼搭套装内装 60 块组件,包含一座可以拼搭的音乐舞台,其尺寸为:高 12 厘米(4.5 英寸)、宽 8 厘米(3 英寸)和深 6 厘米(2.5 英寸)
Performance and creative play await kids aged 4+ as they learn to build with this LEGO® | Disney Princess Ariel’s Music Stage (43235) construction toy. This Disney Princess buildable playset gift is designed to improve problem-solving skills and inspire youngsters to enjoy endless creative play.
This kids’ building toy includes a LEGO | Disney Ariel mini-doll figure and LEGO | Disney Sebastian animal figure. There’s also a stage with a spinning floor, and a refreshment area build with a chair and fun story starter elements including a guitar, maracas and a pineapple. A Starter Brick element gives kids a sturdy base so play can start fast, while intuitive instructions are provided in the form of a colorful picture-story guide made for kidswho are just starting to learn how to read.
This cool 4+ LEGO | Disney building set meets a child’s passion for The Little Mermaid buildable toys, is easy to take on playdates and is a great way for adults to share building fun with youngsters.
- Disney Junior building toy for kids – Spark the imaginations of girls and boys aged 4+ with Ariel’s Music Stage buildable set as kids play out their own Disney’s The Little Mermaid stories
- Construction playset – This buildable set has a music stage inspired by the Disney Junior TV show Ariel, a LEGO® | Disney Ariel mini-doll figure and a LEGO | Disney Sebastian animal figure
- Spinning dance floor – The music stage has a spinning dance floor with a microphone and an underwater backdrop, whilethe refreshment area has a counter, a chair for Sebastian and a pineapple
- Story starters – This fun construction toy for kids lets Disney fans use their imaginations to play out performing songs with the guitar and maracas or create brand-new stories and adventures
- Fun, buildable gift for kids aged 4+ – A LEGO® | Disney building set that makes a fun gift for girls, boys and TV show fans aged 4+ who love unlimited play options to kick-start storytelling fun
- LEGO® | Disney play – Add this building set to compatible LEGO 4+ building toys and LEGO | Disney buildable sets (sold separately) in the extensive range
- Build skills early – This LEGO® 4+ building set introduces kids to a world of their favorite TV shows, movies and everyday heroes and heroines in a fun, playful way
- Dimensions – This 60-piece building set features a buildable music stage that measures over 4.5 in. (12 cm) high, 3 in. (8 cm) wide and 2.5 in. (6 cm) deep
小美人鱼:爱丽儿的音乐舞台(Ariel's Music Stage)属于迪士尼公主系列积木套组,整个套组包含 60 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 43235 首发于2024年。