可将这款乐高®神偷奶爸 4 小黄人香蕉车 (75580) 送给小黄人粉丝。这款儿童创意玩具包含 4 个小黄人、小巧的汽车玩具,以及许多配件,可作为 6 岁及以上男孩和女孩及 Illumination 娱乐公司系列电影《神偷奶爸 4》影迷的有趣电影玩具礼物。
正在寻找小黄人套装、小型玩具汽车或有趣的礼物?可以看看这款小黄人香蕉车,其设有驾驶位和可拆离式发动机。这款机车玩具包含 4 个小黄人和许多配件。超级神力戴夫可以用一只手举起发动机,另一只手拿起举重杆。梅尔绘制了一幅香蕉画。秘密特工蒂姆从空中飞过,他的头顶装备有可以旋转的直升机桨叶,手里拿着遥控器。地面上是蒂姆的工作站,到处都是特殊工具,其中包括 X 射线眼镜。后勤小队罗恩在换尿布台换尿布,他装备齐全,像脏尿布清理枪。拼搭师们可以使用 LEGO Builder 应用程序缩放和选择套装,体验数字乐趣。
- 适合孩子的小黄人玩具——这款趣味十足的小黄人香蕉车玩具专为 6 岁及以上的孩子准备,可将其送给喜欢 Illumination 娱乐公司电影《神偷奶爸 4》的男孩和女孩
- 小黄人电影玩具——包含一件香蕉车儿童玩具,其包含可拆离式发动机、小黄人梅尔、后勤小队罗恩、秘密特工蒂姆、超级神力戴夫,以及许多配件
- 可以拼搭的小黄人玩具套装——这份小黄人礼物包含一辆小巧的儿童玩具车、4 个不同的小黄人角色,以及一系列工具,充满了玩乐机会
- 趣味十足的配件——戴夫的举重杆、秘密特工蒂姆的可穿戴式X 射线眼镜和头部直升机装备、后勤小队罗恩的脏尿布清理枪、香蕉和乐高®香蕉绘画
- 小黄人礼物——这款有趣的电影玩具可作为小黄人粉丝和观看过 Illumination 娱乐公司系列电影《神偷奶爸》的孩子的礼物
- 三维拼搭说明——孩子们可以下载 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,获取沉浸式拼搭体验。此应用程序包含系列数字工具,可用来缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度
- 更多小黄人电影玩具——对于希望收集、组合和定制小黄人套装的孩子,还有更多乐高®神偷奶爸 4 玩具套装(单独出售)可供选 择
- 便携式小黄人玩具——本套装内含 136 块组件,其中的香蕉车尺寸为:高 6 厘米(2.5 英寸)、长 13 厘米(5 英寸)和宽 4 厘米(1.5 英寸)
Treat a Minions fan to LEGO® Despicable Me 4 Minions and Banana Car (75580). This creative toy for kids features 4 Minions, a small car toy, plus accessories. It’s a fun movie-toy gift for boys and girls aged 6+ and fans of Illumination’s Despicable Me 4.
Looking for a Minion LEGO set, small toy car or a fun gift? Check out the Minions’ banana car, with its driver’s seat and removable engine. The vehicle toy comes with 4 Minions and accessories. Mega Minion Dave can lift the engine in one handand a weight-lifting bar in the other. Mel paints a picture of a banana, while Secret Agent AVL Minion Tim flies by with spinning rotor blades on his head and a remote control in his hand. On the ground is his workstation, filled with special tools, including X-ray goggles. Pit Crew Minion Ron is on diaper duty at the changing table. He has all the gear, including a dirty-diaper-disposal gun. Builders can also have digital fun as they zoom in and rotate sets using the LEGO Builder app.
- Minion toys for kids – Treat boys and girls who are fans of Illumination’s Despicable Me 4 movie to this Minions and Banana Car fun toy for kids aged 6 and up
- Minion’s movie toys – Includes a banana vehicle toy for kids with a removable engine, Minions Mel, Pit Crew Ron, secret agent AVL Tim and Mega Minion Dave, plus lots of accessories
- Creative building Minion playset – With a small kids’ toy car, 4 different Minion figures and a whole bunch of tools and gadgets, this Minion gift ideais bursting with play possibilities
- Fun accessories – Dave’s weight-lifting bar, Secret Agent AVL Tim’s wearable X-ray glasses and helicopter headwear, Pit Crew Ron’s dirty-diaper-disposal gun, a banana and a LEGO® painting of a banana
- Minion gift ideas – This fun movie toy for kids makes a gift for any Minion fan and children who have watched any of the Illumination’s Despicable Me movies
- 3D building instructions – Kids can download the LEGO® Builder app for an immersive building experience, with digital tools to zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track progress
- More Minions movie toys – There are additional LEGO® Despicable Me 4 playsets available (sold separately) for kids who want to collect, combine and customize the Minions fun
- Portable Minion toys – This 136-piece set’s banana car measures over 2.5 in. (6 cm) high, 5 in. (13 cm) long and 1.5 in. (4 cm) wide
神偷奶爸4:小黄人香蕉车(Minions and Banana Car)属于小黄人系列积木套组,整个套组包含 136 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 75580 首发于2024年。