使用这款乐高®神偷奶爸 4 格鲁与小黄人 (75582) 满足孩子们对小黄人玩具的喜爱之情。这款创意拼搭玩具专为 9 岁及以上的孩子准备,包含可以拼搭的格鲁人偶,其周围是翩翩起舞的小黄人角色,非常适合作为孩子和《神偷奶爸》影迷的玩乐和展示一体式礼物。
大号的格鲁人偶拥有铰接式手臂、手和手指,孩子们可将其摆成他们喜爱的姿势。本套装包含 5 个可以拼搭的小黄人角色:手握沙球、头戴水果帽子的杰瑞,带有头部螺旋桨和对讲机的秘密特工戴夫,手持扩音器的摇滚小黄人,演奏尤克里里的梅尔,以及手持放屁枪的凯文。这些小黄人被放置在一个可以转动的平台上,当孩子们转动坐着的小黄人时,其他小黄人会围着他们微笑的老板翩翩起舞!每个小黄人都拥有可以活动的双手,能够抓持配件。他们的头部可以活动,还可以更换他们的眼睛,创造出不同的表情。孩子们可将 4 个小黄人拆下展示台,寻找更多玩乐机会。
- 格鲁人偶和翩翩起舞的小黄人——乐高®神偷奶爸 4 格鲁与小黄人拼搭模型是一款玩乐和展示一体式玩具,非常适合 9 岁及以上喜爱小黄人电影的男孩和女孩
- 电影角色玩具——孩子们可以拼搭格鲁人偶,其拥有铰接式手臂、双手和手指,还可以拼搭 5 个小黄人角色,他们拥有独特的配件、可以活动的头部和可调节式眼睛
- 肢体灵活,可供玩乐和展示——孩子们可将格鲁摆成他们喜爱的姿势,还可以转动坐着的小黄人梅尔,让其他的小黄人围着他们的老板翩翩起舞
- 适合孩子的小黄人玩具——忠实于电影的配件包括沙球、水果帽子、头顶螺旋桨、对讲机、扩音器、尤克里里和放屁枪
- 小黄人礼物——这款趣味十足的儿童玩具可作为小黄人角色、电影玩具和 Illumination 娱乐公司《神偷奶爸》爱好者的创意拼搭礼物或生日礼物
- 三维拼搭说明——孩子们可以下载 LEGO® Builder 应用程序,获取沉浸式拼搭体验。此应用程序包含系列数字工具,可用来缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度
- 更多适合孩子的小黄人玩具——对于希望收集、组合和定制小黄人套装的孩子,还有更多乐高®神偷奶爸 4 玩具套装(单独出售)可供选择
- 无尽的玩乐和展示乐趣——本套装内含 839 块组件,尺寸为:高 28 厘米(11 英寸)、宽 23 厘米(9 英寸)和深 16 厘米(6 英寸)
Fulfill a child’s passion for Minion toys with LEGO® Despicable Me 4 Brick-Built Gru and Minions (75582). This creative building toy for kids aged 9+ features a buildable Gru figure surrounded by dancing Minion characters, making it the perfect play-and-display gift for kids and fans of the Despicable Me movies.
The large Gru figure has jointed arms, hands and fingers that kids can move into favorite poses. There are 5 buildable Minion characters: Jerry with maracas and fruit hat, secret agentDave with a head propeller and walkie-talkie, Beedoo Minion with a megaphone, the ukulele-playing Mel and Kevin with his fart gun. The Minions are positioned on a rotating platform, and when kids turn the seated Minion, the other Minions dance around their smiling boss! Each Minion can move their hands and hold accessories. Their heads can move and the eyes can be changed to create different expressions. Kids can take 4 of the Minions off the stand to explore additional play possibilities.
- Gru figure and dancing Minions – LEGO® Despicable Me 4 Brick-Built Gru and Minions is a buildable, play-and-display toy for boys and girls aged 9+ who are fans of the Minions’ movies
- Movie character toys – Kids build a Gru figure with jointed arms, hands and fingers and 5 Minion characters with distinctive accessories, movable heads and adjustable eyes
- Posable for play and display – Kids position Gru into favorite poses and turn seated Minion Mel to make the others dance around their boss
- Minion toys for kids – Movie-accurate accessories include maracas, a fruit hat, head propeller, walkie-talkie, megaphone, ukulele and fart gun
- Minion gift ideas – This fun toy for kids is a creative building treat or birthday gift for fans of Minion characters, movie toys and Illumination’s Despicable Me
- 3D building instructions – Kids can download the LEGO® Builder app for an immersive building experience, with digital tools that let them zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track progress
- More Minion toys for kids – There are additional LEGO® Despicable Me 4 playsets available (sold separately) for kids who want to collect, combine and customize the Minions fun
- Big fun for play and display – This 839-piece set measures over 11 in. (28 cm) high, 9 in. (23 cm) wide and 6 in. (16 cm) deep
神偷奶爸4:格鲁和小黄人(Brick-Built Gru and Minions)属于小黄人系列积木套组,整个套组包含 839 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 75582 首发于2024年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。