让孩子们通过这款充满惊喜的乐高®经典积木箱充分放飞自己的想象力吧!色彩鲜 艳、造型多样,还有各种特殊组件,让孩子可以尽情拼砌能想到的东西。可以拼砌 的包括温室、二轮拖车、猫头鹰等等,不一而足。参考拼砌说明,下载海量在线内 容,激发孩子的灵感,释放无限创意!
Bring all your ideas to life with LEGO® Classic bricks!
Set your imagination free with this exciting box of LEGO® classic bricks! The broad range of colors, shapes and special elements encourages you to build whatever you can imagine. Some of the potential models include a greenhouse, semi-truck, violin and an owl, plus more. Use the included instructions and download more online to help spark new ideas and inspire creativity!
- This set includes over 950 bricks in 42 vibrant and fun colors.
- Features a mix of classic LEGO® bricks and special elements, including windows, doors, hinges and eyes.
- Includes ideas for at least 9 models, with some building instructions included in the box, as well as online. The set includes enough special elements to build all t...ng instructions for this set, plus more.
- Includes 3 levels of building complexity to suit builders of any age.
- Packed in a sturdy, reusable cardboard box.
- The LEGO® Creative Building Basket encourages open-ended creativity and imagination.
- Brick separator also included.
经典:乐高®创意拼砌篮(Creative Building Basket)属于创意百变系列积木套组,整个套组包含 1000 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10705 首发于2016年。