利用这款乐高®机械组自动倾卸卡车玩具 (42203),9 岁及以上的孩子可以创造无尽的建筑工地冒险。这款蓝色的工程卡车玩具套装允许 9 岁及以上的孩子想象在忙碌的工作日操作他们的自动倾卸卡车。将卡车驾驶到位,然后转动卡车侧面的旋钮,使盖子倾斜。打开车门,查看驾驶室内部,然后驾驶卡车,准备执行下一项建筑工地任务。
借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,孩子们可以进行轻松直观的拼搭探险,还可以在其中缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。
- 建筑工地探险——这款乐高®机械组自动倾卸卡车玩具套装允许 9 岁及以上的孩子创造有趣的建筑工地角色扮演故事
- 这款经典的儿童自动倾卸卡车套装允许小拼搭师们拼搭属于自己的玩具自卸车,然后玩乐这款车辆并探索其功能
- 逼真的功能——孩子们可以将卡车驾驶到位,转动卡车侧面的旋钮以倾斜盖子,以及打开车门,查看驾驶室内部
- 适合孩子的生日礼物——这款儿童拼搭套装可作为喜爱乐高®机车或工程车辆玩具的孩子的有趣生日礼物或任何场合的奖励
- 认识工程世界——乐高®机械组套装和工程玩具拥有逼真的动作和机械装置,可将年轻的乐高拼搭师们带入工程的世界
- 尺寸——本套装内含 462 块组件,其中的自动倾卸卡车玩具模型尺寸为:高 14 厘米(5.5 英寸)、长 28 厘米(11 英寸)和宽 11 厘米(4 英寸)
Buildable truck building kit for kids
Kids aged 9 and over can create endless construction site adventures with the LEGO® Technic Tipping Dump Truck toy (42203). This blue construction truck toy vehicle set lets kids aged 9 and over imagine a busy working day operating their tipper truck. Steer the truck into position then turn the knob on the side of the truck to tip the lid. Open the doors to see inside the cab, then drive the truck to its next building-site task.
LEGO Technic vehicle sets feature realistic movement to introduce young LEGO builders to the universe of engineering. This building kit for kids is a fun birthday gift or any-occasion treat for kids who love LEGO vehicles or construction truck toys.
Kids can enjoy an easy and intuitive building adventure with the LEGO Builder app, where they can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track their progress.
- Construction site adventures – The LEGO® Technic™ Tipping Dump Truck toy set lets kids aged 9 and up create fun construction site role-play stories
- This classic kids’ dump truck set lets young builders assemble their own toy tipper truck beforeplaying with the vehicle and exploring its functions
- Realistic features – Kids can steer the truck into position, turn the knob on the side of the truck to tip the lid, and open the doors to see inside the cab
- A birthday gift for kids – This building kit for kids is a fun birthday gift or any-occasion treat for kids who love LEGO® vehicles or construction truck toys
- An introduction to engineering – LEGO® Technic™ sets and construction toys feature realistic movement and mechanisms to introduce young LEGO builders to the universe of engineering
- Measurements – A 462-piece set with a Tipping Dump Truck toy model measuring over 5.5 in. (14 cm) high, 11 in. (28 cm) long and 4 in. (11 cm) wide
自动倾卸卡车(Tipping Dump Truck)属于机械组系列积木套组,整个套组包含 462 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42203 首发于2025年。