这是一款趣味十足的拼搭玩具,适合男孩、女孩及任何建筑工地车辆爱好者。有了这款值得信赖的乐高®机械组大型挖掘装载车 (42197) 玩具,7 岁及以上的孩子可以进行任何建筑工作!这款有趣的套装允许小拼搭师们对许多不同的建筑工地任务进行角色扮演。将装载机驾驶到位并降下支腿以获得额外支撑,转动旋钮可上下移动前部铲斗。然后尝试使用后部挖掘机进行下一项建筑工地任务。
借助 LEGO Builder 应用程序,孩子们可以进行轻松直观的拼搭冒险,在其中缩放和旋转三维模型,保存套装,以及跟踪进度。
- 适合 7 岁及以上孩子的拼搭玩具——激发年轻建筑工地爱好者的热情,使用这款大型挖掘装载车玩具创造属于自己的建筑冒险
- 功能丰富的挖掘装载车玩具——这款充满乐趣的玩具车包含许多可以活动的功能,可供进行建筑工地角色扮演,适合作为孩子们任何时候的奖励
- 尝试铲斗和挖掘机——这款乐高®机械组大型挖掘装载车模型拥有一个铲斗,孩子们可通过旋钮使其升降,还装备有后部挖掘机和支腿
- 适合乐高®机车爱好者的礼物——本套装可作为喜欢用乐高积木拼搭或玩拼搭玩具的孩子的很棒礼物或奖励
- 认识工程世界——乐高®机械组拼搭模型套装拥有逼真的动作和机械装置,以便将年轻的乐高拼搭师们带入工程的世界
- 尺寸——本套装内含 104 块组件,其中的拼搭玩具模型(支腿向外打开)尺寸为:高 10 厘米(4 英寸)、长 24 厘米(9 英寸)和宽 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)
A buildable vehicle toy that makes a great gift for kids
Here’s a fun construction toy for boys, girls and any fan of building site vehicles. With their trusty LEGO® Technic™ Backhoe Loader (42197) toy, kids aged 7 and up will be ready for any construction job! This fun set lets young builders role-playlots of different building-site tasks. Wheel the loader into position and lower the outriggers for extra support. Turn the knob to move the front scoop up and down. Then try out the rear digger to tackle the next building site task.
LEGO Technic vehicle sets features realistic movement to introduce young LEGO builders to the universe of engineering. This set makes a great gift for kids who love loaders, excavators and digger toys.
Give kids an easy and intuitive building adventure with the LEGOBuilder app, where they can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, save sets and track their progress.
- Construction toy for kids aged 7 and up – Inspire young construction site fans to create their own building adventures with this backhoe loader toy
- A backhoe toy packed with features – This fun-filled toy vehicle is an anytime treat for kids and comes with lots of moving features for interactive construction site role play
- Try out the scoop and digger – The LEGO® Technic™ Backhoe Loader model includes a scoop that kids can lift and lower using the knob, a back digger and outriggers
- A gift for fans of LEGO® vehicles – This set makes a gift idea or treat for kids who enjoy building with LEGO bricks or playing with construction toys
- An introduction to engineering – LEGO® Technic™ buildable model sets feature realistic movement and mechanisms to introduce young LEGO builders to the universe of engineering
- Measurements – A 104-piece set with a buildable toy model measuring over 4 in. (10 cm) high, 9 in. (24 cm) long and 3.5 in. (9 cm) wide, with outriggers folded out
大型挖掘装载车(Backhoe Loader)属于机械组系列积木套组,整个套组包含 104 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 42197 首发于2025年。