宝宝通过选择他们想要的勺子和堆叠正确数量的积木来学习识别数字。他们会通过将玩具勺与各种口味配对来培养颜色分类技能,并通过将冰淇淋粘贴到甜筒上来练习精细动作技能。通过装扮游戏,乐高得宝布鲁伊套装不仅可以让学龄前儿童和他们的家人表演有趣的日常活动,还可以帮助他们了解这些活动给他们带来的感受。包含 22 块组件。
- 冰淇淋摊和车辆玩具套装,灵感来自《布鲁伊》电视节目——使用乐高®得宝®布鲁伊冰淇淋之旅宝宝玩具,将学龄前儿童带入赫勒一家的欢乐世界
- 功能丰富,适合进行创意玩乐——这款交互式玩具包含爸爸和布鲁伊人偶、可驾驶的玩具车、刷卡机、3 个冰淇淋玩具勺、2 个甜筒和 1 份菜单
- 创意玩乐玩具磨练技能——宝宝利用自己的创造力来重现《布鲁伊》“冰激凌”一集,并利用精细动作和颜色分类技能将勺子堆叠到玩具蛋筒上
- 学习玩具重现现实世界——宝宝可以探索相关场景的感受,想象去一个特别的地方时的兴奋心情和得到美味食物时的满足感
- 宝宝的礼物——这款装扮玩具可作为 2 岁及以上幼儿和学龄前儿童《布鲁伊》电视节目迷的创意礼物
- 发现更多《布鲁伊》的乐趣——查看其他乐高®得宝®布鲁伊和乐高®布鲁伊创意玩具(单独出售),包括适合幼儿、学龄前儿童和 4 岁及以上儿童的套装
- 与布鲁伊一起增添家庭趣味——乐高®得宝®布鲁伊冒险玩具激发幼儿的创造性装扮游戏,支持父母希望分享的成长里程碑
- 尺寸——这款冒险玩具内含 22 块组件,包含一个冰淇淋架,其尺寸为:高 13 厘米(5 英寸)、宽 15 厘米(6 英寸)和深 10 厘米(4 英寸)
Toddlers develop fine motor skills with this LEGO® DUPLO® Bluey toy
Immerse preschoolers in role-play fun with the Ice Cream Trip with Bluey toddler toy (10458). Preschoolers enjoy imaginative play as they go on a LEGO® DUPLO® adventure using this vehicle playset to recreate scenes from the Bluey TV show.
This gift for toddlers brings hours of family fun. Toddlers drive the toy car – which fits both the Dad and Bluey figures – to get ice cream. This creative-play toy lets preschoolers act out the excitement of traveling somewhere special as well as the satisfaction of getting a treat.
Toddlers learn to recognize numbers by choosing how many scoops they want and stacking the right number of bricks. They’ll develop color-sorting skills pairing the toy scoops with the flavors and practice their fine motor skills by attaching the ice cream to the cones. Through pretend play, LEGO DUPLO Bluey sets let preschoolers and their families not only act out fun everyday activities but also help them understand how these activities make them feel. Contains 22 pieces.
- Ice cream stand and vehicle playset inspired by the Bluey TV show – Transport preschoolers to the fun world of the Heeler family with the LEGO® DUPLO® Bluey Ice Cream Trip with Bluey toddler toy
- Packed with features for imaginative play – This interactive toy comes with Dad and Bluey figures, a drivable toy car, a credit card machine, 3 ice cream toy scoops, 2 cones and a menu
- Creative-play toy hones preschool skills – Toddlers use their creativity to reenact the Bluey “Ice Cream” episode, and their fine motor and color-sorting skills to stack the scoops onto the toy cones
- Learning toy recreates the real world – Toddlers explore feelings around relatable scenarios, imagining the excitement of going somewhere special and the satisfaction of receiving a delicious treat
- Gift for toddlers – This pretend-play toy makes a creative gift for toddlers aged 2 and up and preschool fans of the Bluey TV show
- Discover more Bluey fun – Check out the other LEGO® DUPLO® Bluey and LEGO® Bluey creative-play toys (sold separately), including age-appropriate sets for toddlers, preschoolers and kids aged 4 and up
- Boost family fun with Bluey – LEGO® DUPLO® Bluey adventure toys inspire creative pretend play that toddlers will relate to, and support the developmental milestones parents will want to share
- Dimensions – This 22-piece adventure toy includes an ice cream stand that measures over 5 in. (13 cm) high, 6 in. (15 cm) wide and 4 in. (10 cm) deep
布鲁伊冰淇淋之旅(Ice Cream Trip with Bluey)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 22 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10458 首发于2025年。