为宝宝带来一款充满双倍乐趣的趣味拼搭套装!乐高®得宝®布鲁伊:布鲁伊一家的欢乐住宅(10459),可在一个色彩绚丽的拼搭套装中提供 2 种有趣的活动。
这款互动玩具有多种玩法。3 岁及以上的学龄前儿童可以简单地使用这款探险玩具进行装扮游戏,通过布鲁伊、宾果和布鲁伊的妈妈奇莉这三个人物形象以及《布鲁伊》电视节目中可识别的角色扮演玩具配件,重现节目中的家庭活动。或者与家人一起玩有趣的记忆游戏。
父母将积木和布鲁伊人偶藏在房子的窗户后面,然后宝宝们转动转盘,找出所需积木。宝宝们会运用精细动作技能打开玩具窗户,并通过比较、匹配和交流技能来判断是否找到了匹配的物品。然后,他们会运用记忆技能记住其他物品的藏身之处,以便返回到这些物品进行匹配。包含 83 块组件。
- 适合《布鲁伊》粉丝的 2 合 1 互动玩具——布鲁伊一家的欢乐住宅(10459)冒险玩具包含各种活动,适合家庭玩乐和发挥想象力
- 可以拼搭的住宅玩具,灵感来自《布鲁伊》电视节目——这款色彩缤纷的赫勒家庭住宅模型设有带可打开窗户、有趣旋转指针、1 张桌子和 3 把椅子的房间
- 3 个知名角色——这款冒险玩具包含《布鲁伊》节目中的妈妈、宾果和布鲁伊形象,以及代表赫勒家熟悉细节的砖块,包括宾果的兔子 Floppy
- 学龄前儿童学习玩具——这款学龄前儿童学习玩具帮助幼儿发展和成长,增强他们的沟通、比较、想象力和精细运动技能
- 宝宝的礼物——这款互动玩具可作为喜欢装扮游戏和记忆游戏的 3 岁及以上幼儿和学龄前儿童《布鲁伊》电视节目迷的创意礼物
- 发现更多《布鲁伊》的乐趣——查看其他乐高®得宝®和乐高®布鲁伊创意玩具(单独出售),包括适合幼儿、学龄前儿童和 4 岁及以上儿童的套装
- 与布鲁伊一起增添家庭趣味——乐高®得宝®布鲁伊冒险玩具激发学前儿童的创造性装扮游戏,支持父母希望分享的成长里程碑尺寸——这款拼搭玩具内含 83 块组件,其中的赫勒家庭住宅玩具尺寸为:高 30 厘米(11 英寸)、长 51 厘米(20 英寸)和宽 37 厘米(14.5 英寸)
Fun family interactive toy gift for toddlers
Introduce toddlers to a fun building set that packs in double the fun! Bluey’s Family Housewith Memory Game (10459) interactive toy delivers 2 fun activities in one colorful construction set.
This interactive toy is filled with lots of ways to play. Preschoolers aged 3 and up can simply use this adventure toy for pretend play, recreating family activities from the show with the 3 figures – Bluey, Bingo and Bluey’s mum, Chilli – and recognizable role-play toy accessories from the Bluey TV show.Or they can play fun memory games with their families.
Parents hide bricks and Bluey figures behind the windows of the house, then toddlers spin the wheel to discover which pieces they need to find. They use their fine motor skills to open the toy windows and deploy their comparing, matching and communication skills to work out if they’ve found a match. Then they use their memory skills to remember where other items are hiding so they can return to them to make a match. Contains 83 pieces.
- 2-in-1 Interactive toy for fans of Bluey, big and small –Bluey’s Family House with Memory Game (10459) adventure toy is packed with activities for fun family playtimes and imagination play
- Buildable house toy inspired by the Bluey TV show – This colorful Heeler family home model features rooms with opening windows, a fun spinning pointer, a table and 3 chairs
- 3 recognizable characters – This adventure toy includes Mum, Bingo and Bluey figures from the Bluey show, plus bricks representing familiar Heeler house details, including Bingo’s rabbit Floppy
- Preschool learning toy – This learning toy for preschool kids helps toddlers develop and grow as they sharpen their communication, comparison, imagination and fine motor skills
- Gift fortoddlers – This interactive toy makes a creative gift for toddlers aged 3 and up who love pretend play and memory games, and preschool fans of the Bluey TV show
- Discover more Bluey fun – Check out the other LEGO® DUPLO® and LEGO® Bluey creative-play toys (sold separately), including age-appropriate sets for toddlers, preschoolers and kids aged 4 and up
- Boost family fun with Bluey – LEGO® DUPLO® Bluey adventure toys inspire creative pretend play preschool kids will relate to and support the developmental milestones parents will want to share
- Dimensions – This 83-piece construction toy includes a Heeler family house toy that measures over 11 in. (30 cm) high, 20 in. (51 cm) wide and 14.5 in. (37 cm) deep
布鲁伊一家的欢乐住宅(Bluey's Family House with Memory Game)属于得宝系列积木套组,整个套组包含 83 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 10459 首发于2025年。