- 专为孩子们准备的幻影忍者神龙玩具——这款双头的专注神龙天弧忍者玩具允许9 岁及以上的男孩和女孩表演电视剧《幻影忍者神龙崛起》第 3 季中的精彩行动
- 极为灵活的神龙玩偶——这款专注神龙天弧动作玩具拥有灵活的尾巴、腿部、脚部、头部、颈部、嘴巴和爪子
- 交互式幻影忍者飞龙——孩子们可以启动位于飞龙胸前的发射器,并使用飞龙背部的控制杆上下扇动它的大型箔翼
- 8 个幻影忍者小人仔——这款乐高®拼搭套装包含忍者战士劳埃德、寇、怀尔德菲勒和凯,他们的盟友皮克斯,以及反派德里克斯、扎克特和龙战士
- 旋转机玩具——这款乐高®套装中还包含一个幻影旋转机,孩子们可在其中放置一个小人仔,然后按下发射器上的按钮,使其快速旋转着发射出去
- 适合孩子的忍者礼物——这款乐高®套装可以带来乐趣十足的拼搭和玩乐体验,非常适合作为 9 岁及以上对忍者行动充满热情的男孩和女孩的礼物
- 更大的忍者冒险——查看更多乐高®幻影忍者玩具(套装均单独出售),见识更多的神龙、神殿和交通工具
- 乐高®幻影忍者玩具的世界——本系列玩具套装(单独出售)品类繁多,允许孩子们进入奇幻的世界,与他们的忍者英雄一起进行创意玩乐
- 尺寸——这款适合孩子的乐高®幻影忍者拼搭套装内含 869 块组件,其中的专注神龙天弧高 27 厘米(10.5 英寸)
LEGO® NINJAGO® dragon toy playset with 8 minifigures
Delight boys and girls aged 9 and up with this LEGO® NINJAGO® Arc Dragon of Focus (71836) ninja toy that lets them role-play epic action scenes from season 3 of the NINJAGO Dragons Rising TV show. This building kit features a 2-headed dragon figure with posable tail, legs, feet, head, neck, jaw and claws. Kids can activate a shooter in its chest and move its large foil wings back and forth using a lever on its back.This battle playset includes 8 NINJAGO character minifigures for ninja fans tostage action-packed adventures. Find ninja warriors Lloyd, Cole, Wyldfyre and Kai, and their ally Pixal, each with a ninja weapon accessory, plus villains Drix, Zarkt and a Dragonian Warrior with their own weapons.For more play value, the LEGO setcomes with a cool spinjitzu spinner vehicle. Kids can place a minifigure inside and press a button on its launcher that fires it into a rapid spin, then watch as 2 power elements possibly fly off as it hits its target.
- NINJAGO® dragon toy for kids – The 2-headed Arc Dragon of Focus ninja toy lets boys and girls aged 9 and up play out action from season 3 of the NINJAGO Dragons Rising TV show
- Highly posable dragon figure – The Arc Dragon of Focus action toy features a posable tail, legs, feet, head, neck, jaw and claws
- Interactive NINJAGO® dragon – Kids can activate a shooter in the dragon’s chest and move its large foil wings back and forth using a lever on its back
- 8 NINJAGO® minifigures – This LEGO® building set comes with ninja warriors Lloyd, Cole, Wyldfyre and Kai, and their ally Pixal, plus villains Drix, Zarkt and a Dragonian Warrior
- Spinner toy – A spinjitzu spinner vehicle is also included in this LEGO® set, and kids can place a minifigure inside it and press a button on the launcher to fire it into a rapid spin
- Ninja gift idea for kids – This LEGO® set provides a fun build-and-play experience and is a great gift idea for boys and girls aged 9 and up who have a passion for ninja action
- Bigger ninja adventures – Look out for more LEGO® NINJAGO® toys (sets sold separately) featuring even more dragons, temples and vehicles
- A universe of LEGO® NINJAGO® toys – This extensive collection of toy playsets (sold separately) lets kids escape into a fantasy world for imaginative play with their ninja heroes
- Measurements – The Arc Dragon of Focus in this 869-piece LEGO® NINJAGO® building set for kids stands over 10.5 in. (27 cm) tall
专注神龙天弧(Arc Dragon of Focus)属于幻影忍者系列积木套组,整个套组包含 869 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71836 首发于2025年。