- 专为孩子们准备的乐高®幻影忍者神龙玩具——这款混沌猛龙雷牙忍者玩具允许8 岁及以上的男孩和女孩重现电视剧《幻影忍者神龙崛起》第 3 季中的精彩场景
- 极为灵活的飞龙玩偶——这条大型飞龙拥有灵活的尾巴、腿部、龙翼、脚部、头部和嘴巴,每个龙翼下方都装备有一个凸粒发射器
- 带有锁链的侧面模型——混沌猛龙雷牙被锁在一个小型的侧面模型上,可通过 2 个棱柱形利刃打开锁链,释放它
- 6 个幻影忍者小人仔——这款乐高®拼搭套装包含忍者战士劳埃德、妮雅、阿林和索拉,以及诺克特和龙族领袖提尔,以便孩子们对善恶之战进行角色扮演
- 适合孩子的生日礼物——这款乐高®套装可以带来乐趣十足的拼搭和玩乐体验,非常适合作为 8 岁及以上对忍者行动充满热情的男孩和女孩的生日礼物
- 更大的忍者冒险——查看更多乐高®幻影忍者玩具套装(单独出售),见识更多的神龙、神殿和交通工具
- 乐高®幻影忍者套装的世界——本系列玩具套装(单独出售)品类繁多,允许孩子们进入奇幻世界,与他们的忍者英雄一起进行创意玩乐
- 尺寸——这款乐高幻影忍者拼搭套装内含 668 块组件,其中的混沌猛龙雷牙玩偶高 24 厘米(9.5 英寸)
LEGO® NINJAGO® dragon toy playset with 6 minifigures
The LEGO® NINJAGO® Thunderfang Dragon of Chaos (71832) ninja toy lets boys and girls aged 8 plus recreate thrilling action from season 3 of the NINJAGO Dragons Rising TV show. This building set for kids features a large dragon toy with a posable tail, legs, wings, feet, head and jaw, and a stud shooter under each wing. The dragon figure is chained to a small side build and can be released by unlocking it with 2 prismatic blade accessories.6 NINJAGO minifigures feature in this LEGO playset: ninja warriors Lloyd, Nya, Arin and Sora, each with a ninja weapon accessory, plus villains Nokt and the leader of the Dragonians Tyr who also have weapons, for kids to play out good vs. evil battles.Sets and buildable action toys in the LEGO NINJAGOrange (sold separately) include mechs, dragons, vehicles and temples so fans can role-play good vs. evil action. Each ninja playset can be created with the LEGO Builder app, which guides you and your child on an easy and intuitive building adventure.
- LEGO® NINJAGO® dragon toy for kids – Thunderfang Dragon of Chaos ninja toy lets boys and girls aged 8 and up recreate scenes from season 3 of the NINJAGO Dragons Rising TV show
- Highly posable dragon figure – This large dragon features a posabletail, legs, wings, feet, head and jaw, plus a stud shooter under each wing
- Side build with chains – Thunderfang Dragon of Chaos is chained to a small side build and can be released by unlocking it with 2 prismatic blade accessories
- 6 NINJAGO® minifigures – This LEGO® building set features ninja warriors Lloyd, Nya, Arin and Sora, plus Nokt and Tyr, who is the leader of the Dragonians, so kids can role-play good vs. evil battles
- Birthday gift idea for kids – This LEGO® set provides a fun build-and-play experience and is a birthday gift idea for boys and girls aged 8 and up with a passion for ninja action
- Bigger ninja adventures – Look out for more LEGO® NINJAGO® playsets (sold separately) featuring more dragons, temples and vehicles
- A universe of LEGO® NINJAGO® sets – The extensive collection of toy playsets (sold separately) lets kids escape into a fantasy world for imaginative play with their ninja heroes
- Measurements – The Thunderfang Dragon of Chaos figure in this 668-piece LEGO® NINJAGO® building kit stands over 9.5 in. (24 cm) tall
混沌猛龙雷牙(Thunderfang Dragon of Chaos)属于幻影忍者系列积木套组,整个套组包含 668 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71832 首发于2025年。