玩乐这款龙大师伊戈特 (71809) 大号玩具套装,8 岁及以上的孩子可以重现电视剧《幻影忍者神龙崛起》第 2 季中惊险刺激的冒险。这是幻影忍者系列的第一款龙大师玩具,其拥有灵活的腿、尾巴、头部和箔状龙翼,以及宝剑和后背上放置武士刀的支架。
这款冒险玩具包含 5 个小人仔:忍者战士劳埃德、索拉和妮雅,均配有宝剑,以及手握锤子的拉斯君王和装备有宝剑的辛德,以便孩子们表演精彩的忍者战斗。还有一棵积木拼搭的小树,存放着破碎锤和破碎锣,这些《幻影忍者》角色通过战斗赢取它们。
专为孩子准备的乐高®幻影忍者忍者玩具包含各式各样的机甲、交通工具和神庙,可供进行激动人心的冒险角色扮演。可以使用 LEGO Builder 应用程序拼搭和创造每款战斗套装,此应用程序会引导您及您的孩子踏上轻松直观的拼搭冒险之旅。
- 适合孩子的主角玩具——玩乐这款龙大师伊戈特,8 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以表演激动人心的场景
- 肢体灵活的神龙玩具——借助龙大师,孩子们可以重现电视剧《幻影忍者神龙崛起》第 2 季中的精彩场景,龙大师拥有灵活的头部、尾巴、腿、手臂和箔状龙翼
- 5 个乐高®幻影忍者小人仔——孩子们可以表演精彩的战斗,让均装备有迷你武士刀的忍者战士劳埃德、索拉、妮雅对战手握锤子的拉斯君王和配有宝剑的辛德
- 珍贵的忍者宝物——这款角色扮演玩具包括积木拼搭的树,其中有破碎锤和破碎锣,可供这些幻影忍者角色去争夺
- 忍者礼物——这款战斗套装可以带来乐趣十足的拼搭和玩乐体验,可作为喜欢表演精彩故事的孩子的生日礼物
- 得力助手——可从 LEGO® Builder 应用程序中找到直观的说明,此应用程序允许拼搭师在培养新技能的过程中,缩放和旋转三维模型,跟踪进度,以及保存套装
- 忍者玩具的世界——乐高®幻影忍者套装包含各式各样的机甲、交通工具和神庙,允许孩子与他们的忍者英雄一起进入一个充满精彩冒险的奇幻世界
- 尺寸——本套装内含 532 块组件,其中的神龙玩具尺寸为:高 17 厘米(6.5 英寸)、长 46 厘米(18 英寸)和宽 36 厘米(14 英寸)
Building toy for kids with LEGO® dragon and 5 minifigures
Kids aged 8+ can recreate thrilling adventures from season 2 of the NINJAGO® Dragons Rising TV show with this large Egalt the Master Dragon (71809) hero toy playset. This is the first-ever Master Dragon toy in the NINJAGO range and features posable legs, tail, head and foil wings, its own sword accessory, and a holder for katana accessories on its back.
This adventure toy comes with 5 minifigures – ninja warriors Lloyd, Sora and Nya, all armed with sword elements, and the villainous duo of Lord Ras with a hammer and Cinder with a sword accessory – so kids can play out ninja battle action. There is also a small brick-built tree containing the magic mallet and gong of shattering accessories, which these NINJAGO characters are battling to win.
LEGO® NINJAGO buildable ninja toys for kids include mechs, vehicles and temples for exciting role-play adventures. Each battle set can be created with the LEGO Builder app, which guides you and your child on an easy and intuitive building adventure.
- Hero toy for kids – Boys and girls aged 8 years old and up can play out exciting scenes with the Egalt the Master Dragon playset
- Posable dragon toy – Kids can recreate scenes from season 2 of the NINJAGO® Dragons Rising TV show with a Master Dragon featuring a posable head, tail, legs, arms and foil wings
- 5 LEGO® NINJAGO® minifigures – Kids can play out battles pitting ninja warriors Lloyd, Sora and Nya, all armed with mini katana sword elements, against Lord Ras with his hammer and Cinder with a sword
- Prized ninja treasures – Role-play toy includes a brick-built tree containing a magic mallet and the gong of shattering for these NINJAGO® characters to battle over
- Ninja gift – This battle set provides a fun build-and-play experience and is a birthday gift idea for kids who love to play out action-packed stories
- A helping hand – Discover intuitive instructions in the LEGO® Builder app where builders can zoom in and rotate models in 3D, track their progress and save sets as they develop new skills
- A universe of ninja toys – LEGO® NINJAGO® sets include mechs, vehicles and temples, and let kids escape into a fantasy world of adventures with their ninja heroes
- Measurements – This 532-piece LEGO® set includes a dragon toy measuring over 6.5 in. (17 cm) high, 18 in. (46 cm) long and 14 in. (36 cm) wide
龙大师伊戈特(Egalt the Master Dragon)属于幻影忍者系列积木套组,整个套组包含 532 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71809 首发于2024年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。