拼砌的卢克天行者,打败邪恶帝国!乐高®版银河系顶尖绝地武士的细节栩栩如生 ,拥有完全可动的强健肢体、可拼砌的绿色光剑和爆裂器手枪、手铐,以及附带光 剑手柄皮套,足以让黑暗势力退避三舍!
Battle with Luke against the Empire like never before!
Defeat the evil Empire with buildable Luke Skywalker™! This amazingly detailed LEGO® version of one of the galaxy’s most powerful Jedi Knights is armed with tough, fully posable limbs, buildable green Lightsaber and blaster pistol, handcuffs and a holster with extra Lightsaber handle—everything he needs to take on the power of the dark side!