与强大的 First Order 头领凯洛•瑞一起加入战斗。拿起特殊的光剑,转动转盘摆 动他的手臂,看看义军如何逃散!
Go on the hunt for Resistance forces with the fierce Kylo Ren™!
Join the powerful First Order leader, Kylo Ren, as he strides into battle. Grab the special Lightsaber, turn the wheel to swing his arm and see Resistance forces run!
- Buildable and highly posable Kylo Ren figure features a real cloth cape and robe, Ren’s special Lightsaber and wheel-activated arm-swinging battle function.
- Move the limbs into any battle pose.
- Sturdy and durable design for intense action play.
- Play out exciting combat scenes with this iconic character from the blockbuster Star Wars™: The Force Awakens movie.
- Figure stands over 10” (26cm) tall.
拼装人偶:凯洛•瑞(Kylo Ren)属于星球大战系列积木套组,整个套组包含 86 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 75117 首发于2016年,之后被积思JiSi、腾烁KSZ等国产积木品牌所复刻。