玩乐这款乐高®梦境城猎人™梦魇鲨鱼船 (71469) 拼搭玩具套装,10 岁及以上的孩子可以在梦境世界展开行动。捕夜人捉走了伊茲的毛绒玩具,并把它与海盗船组合在一起,构成了一艘具有破坏性的怪物船只,孩子现在可以拼搭它了。
一艘船,2 种拼搭方式
孩子们可以 2 种方式拼搭这款套装——船只模式或坦克模式。船只模式拥有强大的引擎和船帆,而坦克模式拥有很酷的配件和可以飞行的眼球。2 种拼搭选项有助于激发创造力,带来双份玩乐时间。
- 以 2 种方式拼搭一种机车——玩乐这款源自电视剧的乐高®梦境城猎人™梦魇鲨鱼船 (71469) 拼搭套装,孩子们可以拼搭一辆细节丰富的机车
- 2 种拼搭方式——这艘船可以拼搭成船只或坦克,能够激发创造力,带来双份玩乐时间
- 2 种模式——船只模式拥有强大的引擎和船帆,坦克模式拥有很酷的配件和可以飞行的眼球
- 激动人心的功能——这艘鲨鱼船拥有可以张开的嘴巴、秘密宝箱、可以移除的后部舱室、笼子、活板门和旋转式炮塔
- 4 个小人仔——精致的马泰奥、伊茲、诺娃和噩梦魔王有助于将故事生动呈现
- 长时间的玩乐体验——此套装专为 10 岁及以上的孩子设计,趣味十足,可供他们长时间单独或与朋友一起玩乐
- 尺寸——这款梦魇鲨鱼船尺寸为:高 31 厘米(12.5 英寸)、长 60 厘米(23.5 英寸)和宽 25 厘米(10 英寸)
- 故事性拼搭说明——此套装包含故事性拼搭说明,也可以从LEGO® Builder 应用程序种找到相应的数字说明
- 品质优良——乐高®积木经过专门设计,每次都可以一致、可靠地拼搭
- 安全保证——乐高®积木经过严苛测试,以确保它们符合严格的安全要求
Kids can build an awesome vehicle in 2 ways with this LEGO® DREAMZzz" Nightmare Shark Ship building set for kids aged 10+.
Kids aged 10+ dive into the action of the dream world with this LEGO® DREAMZzz™ Nightmare Shark Ship (71469) building toy set. The Night Hunter has captured Izzie’s favourite cuddly toy and combined it with a pirate ship to create a lethal monster vehicle, which kids can now build.
1 vehicle, 2 ways to build
Kids can choose to build the vehicle in 2 ways – ship mode or tank mode. Ship mode has powerful engines and sails, while tank mode has cool accessories and flying eyeballs. The 2 building options encourage creativity and provide double the playtime.
Cool features
The shark ship is bursting with cool features that kids will love. They can open its jaw and place a minifigure inside, push a button to discover a secret treasure chest, remove the rear cabin and more. It’s also equipped with turrets on both sides that can swivel and fire, and it features a cage and trapdoor at its centre.
- Build a vehicle 2 ways – Kids can build a detailed vehicle with the LEGO® DREAMZzz™ Nightmare Shark Ship (71469) building set, which is based on the TV show
- 2 ways to build – The ship can be built in ship mode or in tank mode, encouraging creativity and providing double the playtime
- 2 modes – Ship mode has powerful engines and sails, while tank mode has cool accessories and flying eyeballs
- Exciting features – The shark ship has an opening jaw, a secret treasure chest, removable rear cabin, cage, trapdoor and swivelling turrets
- 4 minifigures – Detailed minifigures of Mateo, Izzie, Nova and the Nightmare King help bring the story to life
- Hours of play – The set is designed for kids aged 10 and over, who can spend hours of fun playing on their own or with friends
- Dimensions – The Nightmare Shark Ship measures over 31 cm (12.5 in.) high, 60 cm (23.5 in.) long and 25 cm (10 in.) wide
- Story-led building instructions – The set features story-led building instructions, which are also available digitally in the LEGO® Builder app
- Premium quality – LEGO® bricks are designed to connect consistently every time
- Safety ensured – LEGO® bricks have been rigorously tested to ensure they meet stringent safety requirements
DREAMZzz:梦魇鲨鱼船(Nightmare Shark Ship)属于梦境城猎人系列积木套组,整个套组包含 1389 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71469 首发于2023年,之后被无牌等国产积木品牌所复刻。