玩乐这款马泰奥的炫酷越野车玩具 (71471),7 岁及以上的孩子可以进入奇幻的乐高®梦境城猎人™世界。本套装源自激动人心的电视剧,允许孩子们将这款玩具机车拼搭为一辆沙地车或者一架四轴飞行器,帮助主角马泰奥和小博夺回魔法沙漏。这款行动玩具提供了 2 种激动人心的拼搭选项,鼓励孩子们放飞想象的翅膀,选择属于他们自己的冒险。在越野车模式,它是一辆强劲的越野车,拥有可以转动的车轮;而在四轴飞行器模式下,它是一架可以飞行的紧凑飞行器,拥有强劲的后置引擎。乐高梦境城猎人角色可将此套装生动呈现,其中包含精致的马泰奥小人仔,其装备有一个发射器。本套装还包含夜魔爪牙玩偶和马泰奥的助手小博,以便孩子们发挥创造力,拼搭属于他们自己的梦境冒险。
- 儿童玩具汽车——这款乐高®梦境城猎人™马泰奥的炫酷越野车包含主角人偶,提供 2 种不同的拼搭选择。借助此套装,7 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以放飞自己想象的翅膀
- 2 种玩乐方式——喜欢创意的孩子可通过将这款行动玩具拼搭为沙地车或四轴飞行器,来选择自己的冒险
- 拼搭和重新拼搭——在越野车模式,本套装是一辆强劲的越野车,拥有可以转动的车轮;而在四轴飞行器模式下,它是一架可以飞行的紧凑飞行器,拥有强劲的后置引擎
- 儿童礼物——这款玩具套装可作为男孩和女孩的超棒礼物,供他们创造一种可以重新拼搭的交通工具
- 乐高®交通工具——这款小巧的乐高套装专为车迷们准备,其源自电视剧《乐高梦境城猎人™》
- 乐高®梦境城猎人™角色——这款冒险玩具套装包含马泰奥小人仔,以及小博和夜魔爪牙玩偶
- 乐高®梦境城猎人™套装——可从乐高梦境城猎人系列为男孩和女孩寻找其它奇幻玩具,这些玩具允许孩子们踏上梦境世界冒险之旅,认识《乐高梦境城猎人》角色
- 尺寸——本拼搭套装包含 94 块组件,在越野车模式下尺寸为:高 5 厘米(2 英寸)、长 12 厘米(4.5 英寸)和宽 9 厘米(3.5 英寸)
A cool model car that can become a helicopter toy
Kids aged 7+ can zoom into the awesome LEGO® DREAMZzz™ world with Mateo’s Off-Road Car toy (71471). Based on the exciting TV show, the set lets kids help hero figures Mateo and Z-Blob retrieve a magical hourglass by building the toy vehicle as a dune buggy or a quadcopter. By offering 2 exciting building options, this action toy encourages kids to unlock their imaginations and choose their own adventures. In buggy mode it’s a robust off-road vehicle with turning wheels, and in quadcopter mode it’s a compact flying machine with overpowered rear engines. The set is brought to life by LEGO DREAMZzz characters, including a detailed Mateo minifigure that comes with a shooter. It also features figures of a Grimspawn and Mateo’s gooey sidekick Z-Blob, so kids can get creative and build their own dream adventure.
- Kids’ toy car – Boys and girls aged 7+ unleash their imaginations with this LEGO® DREAMZzz™ Mateo’s Off-Road Car, which includes hero figures and offers 2 different building options
- 2 ways to play – Creative kids can choose their own adventure by building the action toy as a dune buggy or a quadcopter
- Build and rebuild – In buggy mode it’s a robust off-road vehicle with turning wheels, and in quadcopter mode it’s a compact flying machine with overpowered rear engines
- Gifts for kids – This playset is a fantasy gift for boys and girls who can use it to create a rebuildable vehicle
- LEGO® vehicle – This small LEGO set for car fanatics is based on the LEGO DREAMZzz™ TV show
- LEGO® DREAMZzz™ characters – The adventure toy set includes a Mateo minifigure, plus figures of Z-Blob and a Grimspawn
- LEGO® DREAMZzz™ sets – Explore other fantasy toys for boys and girls in the LEGO DREAMZzz range, which lets kids immerse themselves in dream world adventures and meet LEGO DREAMZzz characters
- Dimensions – The building set includes 94 pieces, and in buggy mode it measures over 2 in. (5 cm) high, 4.5 in. (12 cm) long and 3.5 in. (9 cm) wide
马泰奥的炫酷越野车(Mateo's Off-Road Car)属于梦境城猎人系列积木套组,整个套组包含 94 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71471 首发于2024年。