玩乐这款可以 2 种激动人心的方式拼搭的奥兹先生的太空汽车 (71475) 套装,8 岁及以上的孩子可以进入《乐高®梦境城猎人™》的世界。本套装源自精彩纷呈的电视剧,允许孩子们帮助奥兹先生和阿尔伯特营救杰登,他被夜魔爪牙抓走了。可以 2 种模式拼搭这款太空玩具:太空探测车模式或航天飞机模式,鼓励孩子们选择属于他们自己的冒险。在太空探测车模式下,模型拥有伸缩式抓持手臂、可以移动的卫星和迷你探测车。在航天飞机模式下,模型包含两门可以发射的大炮和一架迷你航天飞机。《梦境城猎人》主角奥兹先生和杰登可将此套装生动呈现,其允许孩子们重现电视剧中他们喜爱的场景。本拼搭套装还包含阿尔伯特和一个夜魔爪牙,后者的触手非常灵活,可以困住杰登小人仔。
- 可以变形的儿童汽车玩具——借助这款乐高®梦境城猎人™奥兹先生的太空汽车拼搭套装,让 8 岁及以上的男孩和女孩释放他们的想象力,创造奇幻的交通工具
- 2 种拼搭方式——可将这款玩具机车重新拼搭为一辆太空探测车或者一艘航天飞机,让孩子选择属于他们自己的冒险
- 乐高®梦境城猎人™英雄——精致的奥兹先生和杰登小人仔有助于将此拼搭套装生动呈现
- 噩梦怪兽——这款太空玩具套装包含一个夜魔爪牙玩偶,其拥有触手,可以缠绕住杰登小人仔
- 理想礼物——这款很棒的儿童礼物可作为一份奖励,借助它,《乐高®梦境城猎人™》的剧迷们可以获得长时间的玩乐体验
- 乐高®交通工具——可将这款拼搭套装送给喜欢汽车玩具的孩子或《乐高梦境城猎人™》的剧迷
- 乐高®梦境城猎人™套装——可从乐高梦境城猎人系列为男孩和女孩寻找其它的奇幻玩具,玩乐这些玩具,孩子们可以踏上梦境世界冒险之旅,熟悉英雄角色
- 尺寸——本拼搭套装包含 350 块组件,在航天飞机模式下尺寸为:高 10 厘米(4 英寸)、长 17 厘米(6.5 英寸)和宽 15 厘米(5.5 英寸)
A cool model car that can become a space shuttle toy
Kids aged 7+ journey into the LEGO® DREAMZzz™ world with this Mr. Oz’s Space Car toy (71475), which can be built in 2 exciting ways. Based on the thrilling TV show, the building set allows kids to help Mr. Oz and Albert save Jayden, who’s been captured by a Grimspawn.Encouraging kids to choose their own adventure, the space toy can be built in 2 modes – space rover mode or space shuttle mode. In space rover mode, the model has a retractable grabber arm, a moving satellite and a mini rover toy. In space shuttle mode, it has two large shooting cannons and a mini-shuttle toy.DREAMZzz heroes Mr. Oz and Jayden bring the set to life and allow kids to recreate their favorite scenes from the TV show. The building set also includes Albert and a Grimspawn figure, whose tentacles are posable and can trap the Jayden minifigure.
- Kids’ transforming car toy – Let boys and girls aged 8 and up unleash their imaginations by creating a fantasy vehicle with this LEGO® DREAMZzz™ Mr. Oz’s Space Car toy building set
- 2 ways to build – The toy vehicle can be built as a space roveror a space shuttle, allowing kids to choose their own adventure
- LEGO® DREAMZzz™ heroes – Detailed Mr. Oz and Jayden minifigures help bring the building set to life
- A nightmare monster – This space toy set includes a figure of the Grimspawn, which has tentacles that wrap around the Jayden minifigure
- Gift idea – Fans of the LEGO® DREAMZzz™ TV show can enjoy hours of play with this fantasy gift for kids, which can be given as a treat or reward toy
- LEGO® vehicles – The building set can be givento kids who love car toys, as well as fans of the LEGO DREAMZzz™ TV show
- LEGO® DREAMZzz™ sets – Explore other fantasy toys for boys and girls in the LEGO DREAMZzz range, where kids can immerse themselves in dream world adventures and get acquainted with hero figures
- Dimensions – The building set includes 350 pieces, and in space-shuttle mode it measures over 4 in. (10 cm) high, 6.5 in. (17 cm) long and 5.5 in. (15 cm) wide
奥兹先生的太空汽车(Mr. Oz's Space Car)属于梦境城猎人系列积木套组,整个套组包含 350 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71475 首发于2024年。