借助这款乐高®梦境城猎人™城堡玩具 (71477),让 9 岁及以上的孩子探索梦语师父的塔楼。本拼搭套装源自激动人心的电视剧,允许孩子们帮助主角守卫梦语师父的魔法之家,使其免受邪恶的不朽女巫和她爪牙斯尼克的破坏。这款奇幻的玩具提供 2 种拼搭选项,鼓励孩子们放飞他们想象的翅膀。他们可以把这款玩具变形为一座雄伟的堡垒或一座雅致的塔楼。在堡垒模式下,模型配有沙漏大炮,而在塔楼模式下,模型拥有可以旋转的顶部。两个拼搭选项均包含激动人心的配件,如武器架、药水站、魔法书,以及奇幻的动物,像肢体灵活的鸟儿和蜘蛛。伊茲、马泰奥、洛根、梦语师父、邪恶的不朽女巫及斯尼克可将这款城堡玩具套装生动呈现,以便孩子们拼搭属于他们自己的梦境塔楼。
- 儿童城堡玩具——玩乐这款乐高®梦境城猎人™梦语师父的塔楼拼搭玩具,9 岁及以上的男孩和女孩可以放飞他们想象的翅膀
- 2 种玩乐方式——喜欢创意的孩子可以选择将这款城堡套装拼搭为雄伟的堡垒,或者雅致的塔楼
- 5 个精致的乐高®梦境城猎人™ 小人仔——本套装包含伊茲、马泰奥、洛根、梦语师父和邪恶的不朽女巫,以及反派爪牙斯尼克玩偶
- 儿童礼物——这款超棒的玩具可作为 9 岁及以上的男孩和女孩的奖励
- 很棒的动物玩具——本拼搭套装包含一只蜘蛛和一只鸟儿,两者均肢体灵活
- 直观的拼搭体验——此套装包含故事性拼搭说明,也可以从LEGO® Builder 应用程序种找到相应的数字说明
- 尺寸——本套装内含 723 块组件,在塔楼模式下尺寸为:高 47 厘米(18.5 英寸)、宽 14 厘米(5.5 英寸)和深 25 厘米(9.5 英寸)
A castle playset that can become a fortress or tower toy
Let kids aged 9+ discover The Sandman’s Tower with this LEGO® DREAMZzz™ castle toy (71477). Based on the exciting TV show, this building set allows kids to help hero figures defend the Sandman’s magical home from the evil Never Witch and her minion Sneak!This fantasy toy encourages kids to unleash their imaginations by offering them 2 building options. They can choose to transform it into an imposing fortress or an elegant tower toy. In fortress mode, the model has an hourglass cannon, and in tower mode the model has a spinning top. Both building options include exciting accessories such as a weapons rack, a potion station and a magical book, plus fantasy animal figures, including a posable toy bird and spider toy.Izzie, Mateo, Logan, the Sandman and the villainous Never Witch, plus a figure of Sneak, bring the castle playset to life so kids can build their own dream tower.
- Kids’ castle toy – Girls and boys aged 9 and up unlock their imaginations with this LEGO® DREAMZzz™ The Sandman’s Tower building toy
- 2 ways to play – Creative kids can choose to transform the castle playset into an imposing fortress or an elegant tower toy
- 5 detailed LEGO® DREAMZzz™ minifigures – The set includes Izzie, Mateo, Logan, the Sandman and the villainous Never Witch, plus a figure of minion Sneak
- Gift idea for kids – The fantasy toy can be given as a treat or reward toy for boys and girls aged 9 and up
- Fantasy animal toys – The building set includes a spider toy and bird toy, both of which are posable
- Intuitive building – The set features story-led building instructions, which are also available digitally in the LEGO® Builder app
- Dimensions – In tower mode this 723-piece set measures over 18.5 in. (47 cm) high, 5.5 in. (14 cm) wide and 9.5 in. (25 cm) deep
梦语师父的塔楼(The Sandman's Tower)属于梦境城猎人系列积木套组,整个套组包含 723 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 71477 首发于2024年。