这款乐高®我的世界玩具专为 6 岁及以上的玩家准备,是第一款我的世界沙漠生物群系拼搭玩具。史蒂夫沙漠探险 (21251) 允许孩子们在恶劣环境中拼搭一座《我的世界》房屋,然后抵御飞行的幻翼。
这份可以重新配置的角色扮演礼物专为 6 岁及以上的男孩和女孩准备,其包含 3 个乐高我的世界玩偶(其中包括史蒂夫),以及沙漠生物群系中的《我的世界》小屋。这款套装包含标志性的《我的世界》元素,如工作台、篝火、各种沙漠风景。本套装可作为《我的世界》粉丝的很棒礼物,它可以启发创意冒险和战斗行动,让带有活动飞翼的幻翼俯冲攻击这座基地。此玩具还包含史蒂夫经过更新的面部表情,以及首次出现在乐高我的世界套装中的小骆驼。这份适合孩子和游戏玩家的礼物可与其它乐高我的世界玩具套装(单独出售)匹配。
- 专为孩子准备的乐高®我的世界沙漠玩具套装——第一款乐高我的世界沙漠生物群系玩具套装,允许 6 岁及以上的男孩和女孩拼搭一座《我的世界》房屋,然后抵御可以飞行的幻翼
- 包含《我的世界》玩偶的拼搭玩具——包含著名《我的世界》角色史蒂夫的小人仔版、小骆驼玩偶(首次出现!),以及带有活动飞翼的幻翼玩偶
- 《我的世界》儿童拼搭玩具——包含熟悉的《我的世界》组件,其中包括工作台、居所、篝火、魔斧、小骆驼和小仙人掌玩具
- 独立角色扮演玩具——这份内容丰富的《我的世界》礼物拼搭快捷,易于重新布置,并且当一天的冒险结束时,《我的世界》玩家们可以把它展示在自己的房间中
- 适合 6 岁及以上孩子的礼物——这款动手拼搭玩具包含生物群系角色,充满玩乐和展示机会,可将其作为《我的世界》玩家的礼物
- 获得更多乐趣——我们有各式各样的乐高®我的世界玩具套装(单独出售)供孩子们收集和组合
- 把《我的世界》带入现实生活——乐高®我的世界系列儿童拼搭玩具借助乐高积木的动手创造性,将系列生物、场景和功能带入现实生活,为玩家们玩这款游戏提供了一种不同的方式
- 适合游戏玩家的《我的世界》礼物——本套装内含 75 块组件,尺寸为:高 5 厘米(2 英寸)、宽 8 厘米(3 英寸)和深 8 厘米(3 英寸)
This LEGO® Minecraft® toy for players aged 6+ is the first building toy for kids located in the Minecraft desert biome. Steve's Desert Expedition (21251) challenges kids to build a Minecraft house in a hostile environment, then defend it against attack from the flying Phantom.
This reconfigurable role-play gift for boys and girls 6 years old and up features 3 LEGO Minecraft figures, including Steve, plus a Minecraft hut in the desert biome. The set includes iconic Minecraft elements, such as acrafting table, campfire and various pieces of desert scenery. A great gift for any fan of Minecraft, the set inspires creative adventures and battle action when a flying Phantom with movable wings swoops down to attack the base. The toy also features an updated facial expression for Steve and the first appearance of a Baby Camel in a LEGO Minecraft set. This gift idea for kids and gamers is compatible with other LEGO Minecraft playsets (sold separately).
- LEGO® Minecraft® desert playset for kids – The first LEGO Minecraft toy set in the desert biome challenges boys and girls aged 6+ to build a Minecraft house, then defend it against the flying Phantom
- Building toy with Minecraft® figures – Includes a minifigure of the popular Minecraft character Steve, a Baby Camel figure (for the first time!) and a flying Phantom figure with movable wings
- Minecraft® desert construction toy for kids – Features familiar Minecraft elements, including a crafting table, shelter, campfire, enchanted axe, Baby Camel and a small cactus toy
- Independent role-play toy – This versatile Minecraft® gift is quick to build, easy to reconfigure and, when the day’s adventures are over, Minecraft players can put it on display in their room
- Gift for 6-year-olds and up – Treat Minecraft® players to this hands-on, building-and-action toy featuring Minecraft characters in a biome packed with play-and-display possibilities
- Expand the fun – There is a huge range of LEGO® Minecraft® playsets (sold separately) for kids to collect and combine
- Minecraft® made real – LEGO® Minecraft building toys for kids give players a different way to enjoy the game, with mobs, scenes and features brought to life with the hands-on creativity of LEGO bricks
- Minecraft® gift for gamers – The 75-piece set measures over 2 in. (5 cm) high, 3 in. (8 cm) wide and 3 in. (8 cm) deep
史蒂夫沙漠探险(Steve's Desert Expedition)属于我的世界系列积木套组,整个套组包含 75 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 21251 首发于2024年。