这款海盗船之旅 (21259) 是一款乐高®我的世界海盗冒险套装,既适合单独玩乐,也可与其它套装(单独出售)组合,获得更大规模的玩乐体验。这款海盗船儿童玩具套装内容丰富,可作为《我的世界》玩家及 8 岁及以上喜欢船只和拼搭的男孩和女孩的动手玩乐式电子游戏礼物。
这款乐高我的世界海盗冒险套装包含一个交通工具拼搭玩具,以及乌贼、骆驼、2 名海盗和许多配件。还包含海盗、船只,以及首次出现的乐高我的世界成年骆驼,肯定会令《我的世界》粉丝激动不已。骆驼的双座鞍座可容纳 2 名海盗,让他们开启下一个冒险。配件包含鱼、地图、铁剑和仙人掌,可以促进创意玩乐。本套装可与其它乐高我的世界(单独出售)组合,带来更多玩乐机会。
- 海盗拼搭玩具——这款功能丰富的动手玩乐式玩具非常适合 8 岁及以上的男孩和女孩,可以带领《我的世界》玩家踏上乐高®我的世界海盗船之旅
- 带有玩具船的我的世界玩具套装——这款海盗船玩具是一款可以拼搭的交通工具玩具套装,其包含乌贼、骆驼,以及 2 名海盗和许多配件
- 拼搭冒险套装——这款海盗玩具既适合单独玩乐,也可与其它的乐高®我的世界套装(单独出售)组合,获取更多乐趣
- 角色扮演玩具——配件包含鱼、地图、铁剑和仙人掌,仙人掌可由一名海盗拿着
- 游戏玩家礼物——可将这款内容丰富的儿童拼搭套装奖励给喜爱《我的世界》、海盗和乐高®船只套装的男孩和女孩
- 获取更多乐趣——本套装可与乐高®我的世界系列的其它套装(单独出售)轻松组合,能够为孩子带来更多玩乐方式
- 把《我的世界》带入现实生活——乐高®我的世界系列儿童拼搭玩具借助乐高积木的动手创造性,将系列生物、场景和功能带入现实生活,为玩家们玩这款游戏提供了一种不同的方式
- 无穷乐趣——本套装内含 166 块组件,其中的船只尺寸为:高 10 厘米(4 英寸)、长 14 厘米(5.5 英寸)和宽 5 厘米(2 英寸)
The Pirate Ship Voyage (21259) is a LEGO® Minecraft® pirate-figure adventure set that can be played with as a toy on its own or combined with other sets (sold separately) to create a bigger play experience. This kids’ pirate ship playset makes a versatile, hands-on video-game gift for Minecraft players and boys and girls aged 8 and up who like boat toys and building fun.
This LEGO Minecraft pirate adventure set includes a buildable vehicle toy, plus a squid, camel, 2 pirate figures and accessories. Featuring pirates and a boat, and the first-ever appearance of an adult LEGO Minecraft camel, this special LEGO set will appeal to Minecraft fans. The camel’s 2-seat saddle has room for both pirates to ride to their next adventure. Accessories, including a fish, map, iron sword and a cactus help inspire imaginative play. The set combines easily with other LEGO Minecraft sets (sold separately) for even more play possibilities.
- Pirate building toy – Treat Minecraft® players to LEGO® Minecraft The Pirate Ship Voyage, a versatile, hands-on kids’ toy for boys and girls aged 8 and up
- Minecraft® playset with toy boat – This pirate ship toy is a buildable vehicle playset featuring a squid, camel, 2 pirate figures (a Swashbuckler and a Buccaneer), plus accessories
- Building adventure set – This pirate toy can be played with on its own or combined with other LEGO® Minecraft® sets (sold separately) to expand the fun
- Role-play toy – Accessories include a fish, map, iron sword and a cactus, which can be held by a pirate figure
- Gamer gift – Treat boys and girls who are fans of Minecraft®, pirates and LEGO® ship sets to this versatile building toy for kids
- Expand the fun – This set combines easily with other sets (sold separately) in the LEGO® Minecraft® range, giving kids even more ways to play
- Minecraft® made real – LEGO® Minecraft building toys for kids give players a different way to enjoy the game, with mobs,scenes and features brought to life with the hands-on creativity of LEGO bricks
- Big fun – The boat in this 166-piece set measures over 4 in. (10 cm) high, 5.5 in. (14 cm) long and 2 in. (5 cm) wide
海盗船之旅(The Pirate Ship Voyage)属于我的世界系列积木套组,整个套组包含 166 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 21259 首发于2024年。