在这个温馨的乐高®蛋糕店中,为快乐的客户们提供美味食品,该套装拥有五彩绚丽的外观、3顶红白相间的遮阳篷、带有可旋转蛋糕支架的大型凸窗,以及通往可就坐的屋顶平台的楼梯。这款欢乐的乐高创意百变组3合1 31077模块化甜蜜惊喜套装还配有销售柜台、遮阳伞、ATM和一台糖果机。玩乐这个乐高创意百变组模块化系列,你可以混搭和组合这些可拼搭模块,轻松交换门、窗及其它模块化部分,打造个性化的蛋糕店。还可将这款3合1模型重拼为一座带泳池的房屋或一家街角美食咖啡馆,获取更多生活情趣,该模型还包括3个小人仔:一名店主和两名忠诚的顾客。
- 包括3个小人仔:一名店主和两名顾客。
- 该套装包括一家可拼搭的乐高®蛋糕店,其拥有五彩绚丽的外观、大型凸窗、可旋转的蛋糕支架、3顶红白相间的遮阳篷、设有座位区的屋顶平台、饰有蛋糕和糕点的蛋糕标识、ATM,以及销售柜台、糖果机,还有鲜花与纸杯蛋糕装饰。
- 烘焙出美味的纸杯蛋糕和糕点,并把它们展示在大型凸窗处。
- 在销售柜台处向客户们提供食品和饮料。
- 沿着楼梯来到可以就坐的屋顶平台。
- 玩乐这个乐高创意百变组模块化系列,你可以轻松交换门、窗及其它模块化部分,打造个性化的蛋糕店。
- 玩乐这款3合1模型,继续我们的冒险之旅。可对这个蛋糕店进行重拼,在休闲的带泳池房屋或街角美食咖啡馆中休息片刻!
- 蛋糕店尺寸:高16厘米(超过6英寸)、宽22厘米(8英寸)和深11厘米(4英寸)。
- 带泳池的房屋尺寸:高13厘米(超过5英寸)、宽16厘米(6英寸)和深12厘米(4英寸)。
- 街角美食咖啡馆尺寸:高8厘米(超过3英寸)、宽23厘米(9英寸)和深10厘米(3英寸)。
Open your own cake shop with the Modular Sweet Surprises set!
Serve the happy customers with tasty treats at this cozy LEGO® cake shop, featuring a colorful facade with 3 red-and-white striped awnings, large bay window with a rotating cake stand, and a staircase to a seated roof terrace. This delightful LEGO Creator 3in1 31077 Modular Sweet Surprises set also features a vending stand, parasol, ATM and a gumball machine. Mix and combine the buildable modules and easily swap the window, door and other modular sections to customize the cake shop with the LEGO Creator modular system. This 3in1 model also rebuilds into a Pool House or a Food Corner Café for further adventures, and includes 3 minifigures: a shopkeeper and 2 loyal customers.
- Includes 3 minifigures: a shopkeeper and 2 customers.
- Features a buildable LEGO® cake shop with a colorful facade, large ...the vending stand.
- Take the stairway to the seated roof terrace.
- Easily swap the window, door and other modular sections to customize the cake shop with the LEGO® Creator modular system.
- Continue the adventure with this 3in1 model. Rebuild the cake shop and take a break at a relaxing Pool House or open a cozy Food Corner Café.
- Cake shop measures over 6” (16cm) high, 8” (22cm) wide and 4” (11cm) deep.
- Pool House measures over 5” (13cm) high, 6” (16cm) wide and 4” (12cm) deep.
- Food Corner Café measures over 3” (8cm) high, 9” (23cm) wide and 3” (10cm) deep.
甜蜜惊喜(Modular Sweet Surprises)属于创意百变3合1系列积木套组,整个套组包含 396 个积木颗粒。乐高LEGO 31077 首发于2018年,之后被乐拼LEPIN、将牌LELE、乐翼LARI/博乐BELA、欣宏XINH等国产积木品牌所复刻。